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Jo Butcher - Embroidery Artist


Embroider Your Life

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Jo is one of the 20 embroidery artists selected to contribute to this new sewing book with 150 design motifs.

Learn the simplest embroidery stitches and techniques, and see the creative ways the motifs can be used to personalize your head-to-toe wearables, accessories, and items for your home.

Explore color, stitch variations, fabric grounds, thread types, scale, fills, and more with Embroider Your Life. With stitch motifs that are contemporary and modern, with a graphic aesthetic -- not retro, kitschy, sentimental, or old-fashioned, the book is accessible to the total beginner plus contains ideas to keep more advanced stitchers interested.

Available from Amazon:

Buy Now:  Embroider Your Life


* w = width, h = height, d = depth



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